Thursday, November 19, 2009

Corruption – “The Curse of Indian Society”

Corruption – “The Curse of Indian Society”

A Gate keeper in King Akbar’s court shared an unpleasant reward of 50 beatings by Birbal’s wit, for expecting bribe!

Now, it’s only a story narrated to the Kinder Garten kids and punishing the corrupt ones is not a reality any more. The intensity of corruption in India is exorbitant and is rising at an alarming rate and seems to have no end in the near future.

The reluctant attitude of the politicians of this country towards curbing corruption is the main reason for this situation. The zealous youth fighting against it, end up becoming victims of corruption. This disturbing absurd menace can be curbed only when the young and the old, the poor and the rich the weak and the strong all unite together and fight against it with out any self interest.

You go to any city Municipal Corporation Office, The Taluq Office or any other Government Office for that matter; you will have to shell out some thing, empty your purse to get your work done. Any legitimate or legal argument with the officials and your files will see the bottom of the cupboard and remain there till you give that some thing!

Now who is responsible for this flagrant situation? Is it the British, or we ourselves the citizens of the Sovereign Democratic Republic of India or is it because of the Poverty in this country.
Let me analyze few of the causes.

• The causes of Corruption dates back to the time of Rajas who used to rule this country. These rulers and the people around them abetted corruption in a bid to confiscate the throne and increase their territory. They bribed the soldiers or the ministers with wealth and money and got their greed fulfilled ignoring the people’s or the state’s prosperity.

• Later came the foreigners, who on the pretext of setting up trading centers conquered our country with a ruthless disregard to the people of this country who offered shelter for trading. They made our people fight amongst ourselves by making lucrative offers to each other. They did bring large amount of corruption in to this country along with them or induced corruption in to this country in a bid to elicit confidential information which leads to the capture of a province or state.

• The country at the time of independence was in a precarious state, hence came the feature of accepting bribes for official favors and official work. The leaders or the reformers who really were generous and honest those times hardly took time to look in to this and remained aloof. Even the law making body and the law implementation body ignored the growing menace.

Some of the reforms that would curb the menace,
• Start educating the children or the younger generation and the coming generations by conducting awareness programs at the schools, colleges and work places regarding the horrible repercussions of this menace convincingly enough.

• Make the rules far more stringent and the punishments more severe.

• Denounce people found guilty of corrupt practices and ensure there is fear of law amongst people and of course educate the rationale behind ensuring the fear of law.

• Use the strength of the youth in combating this cancer which is in its advanced stage.

• Bring in programs and take measures to eradicate poverty in this country and curb population growth by bringing in suitable schemes.

• Prudent thinking and shrewd actions on the part of our National Leaders as an united effort cutting across party lines in implementing privatization programs, population control schemes, and bringing in foreign investments, and having a bright vision of India as a developed country.

Some of the Factors impeding the reforms. The Corruption gene is so very well bred in the bones of our people that it is almost impossible to get it out of their muscles.

• One big reason resisting the reforms are the politicians. From the time of issuing tickets for the elections and till they get elected the corrupt practices are rampantly present and continues.

• The kids, youth and our parents get in to this web when they are forced to pay hefty donations in getting their wards to top professional colleges. Later on a few of these students start corrupt practices in order to make good for the donations they paid during their education.

Well, the list will simply grow and keep counting; we have a long way to go to find some solace in this regard. We need to fortify our society which has become fragile over the years. Our youth has to extricate this nation from this embarrassing situation. The ignorant irresponsible attitude of our National Leaders has to subside to a great extent.

The reverberations of some trenchant writings are to be felt by people of this country. The poets, novelists, dramatists, school children and youth have to pull up their socks and get in to act in this regard.

Corruption is indeed the “Curse of Indian Society”! But it’s in our hands not to make it an eternal curse. I call upon all of you to be united in fighting this menace and drive it away for good.

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