Thursday, November 19, 2009

Death for Rapists?

Death for Rapists?

It is ‘The fear of Law’ with the death penalty, which will act as deterrent to such heinous crimes. If there’s no fear of Law even death penalty on the paper / law books won’t deter criminals.

We have seen village panchayats ordering rape as a verdict and four goondas rape a woman as a punishment, this keeps happening only because the law enforcing authority is being taken as granted – corrupt; there’s no fear of law and the law enforcing body in this country is a buyable commodity either for a few hundred’s or for a few thousands.

Proving a Rape in the court of Law is a tough task these days most rape cases go unsolved or go in favor of the criminal. A woman who undergo this trauma both physically and mentally can’t come out in open because of our society set up, and women who do venture out aren’t adequately supported though some organizations do come forward in the initial stages the enthusiasm dies as the court keeps giving the new dates for hearing. Makes it all the more easier for the culprits to go scot-free and repeat the crime and make a habit of it.

India’s best woman police officer Kiran Bedi did advocate death Penalty for rapists in one of the T V shows recently. Advani is right in slapping death penalty for rapists. If this menace has to be ended then strict law enforcing is needed with out corrupt practices.

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